No Coincidences

Matthew 25:40, NIV. "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me.' "
Another from Sister Max.
Please put _______ on your prayer list also. We were having A.Y. outside on Prospect because we couldn't get in the church and 2 seemingly high females were observing us from across the street. One started singing Father Abraham with us, and kept saying "I know that song, I know that song". The deacon finally came and opened the door and Vicki suggested we stay outside anyway and finish since people on the street were paying attention. So we did.. When it came time to pray I yelled across the street and asked what her name was, so we could lift them up and she said _________. I briefly thought "I have a cousin named _________." Then I asked for them to come join us and Vicki was also inviting them over. Initially they didn't want to but one encouraged the other and both came. Her voice sounded familiar to me but I wasn't sure. I whispered to Michael that I thought one may be my cousin, before going into prayer. One grabbed my hand and the other grabbed her friend's and a kids and we prayed. After prayer I asked her what her last name was and she said Brown. I pulled her hat off, and looked in her eyes and I said "Oh My! Wow! Do you know who I am?" She stared at me for a few seconds and She said," yeah, you're my cousin, Millie". I just grabbed her close and squeezed her and she was holding me so tight. Before that moment she was one of several people hanging out on the street. Now, she was my cousin whom God had put on my path for a purpose.
All of that was ordained by God, I have no doubt. First, the deacon had to be late opening the church. Second, someone had to suggest that we sing outside while waiting.. Then it had to be that particular song, because that was the one she started marching around and singing with us on. Then when the deacon came to open the door, it still had to be suggested we stay outside anyway. Then she had to come and hold my hand because I may not have looked at her too deeply had she not come to me, and I may not have realized that she was familiar to me. She was so thin, and worn down from drug use and living on the street. I sat and talked with her, cried with her , and prayed with her for almost 2 hours, missing a birthday party for Sis Hinds we were going to. Reyhan took Mya and Maleeq with him and Victoria took Makaila while Michael was inside in a meeting. So it was her and I. She is tired she said, but feels she has no support system. Sometimes families of drug addicts, from what I understand, often get worn down, and wash their hands of the person. _______ wanted to go to detox, I gave her my card with my number and told her I would pray she made it there, and if she did, I would support her. I haven't heard from her yet, but reminded her I would be there on Sabbaths looking for her. I told her if she lost my number, just make it back to the church on Sabbath. Sis Marie Winchester and I prayed with her before letting her go. We put her in God's hands, and I asked Him to increase my faith.
I don't believe in coincidences. I don't have the gift of singing, even though I sing. I don't have the gift of speaking even though I talk. I'm not an artist or writer even, BUT I can love unconditionally with power from God. I can hold those who most shun, and I can listen and cry with them. I can pray with them and for them. There's no way that meeting was not ordained by the Lord. I believe God wants ________ back and Beacon Light is on Prospect for a reason. I know the congregation is ready to be back in their own church but God has a work to be done there before going back, and it won't be time to move until God sees fit. Some feel the move back is long overdue and deadlines have come and gone and B-Light is still on Prospect. If they had moved back then we would not have been there outside on Prospect singing "Father Abraham".
I believe God will deliver _______ Brown. Although, my story is not the same, I required delivery, and have learned it's a process.
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