Sister's Max's Testimony
A Testimony from My Sister
Dear Family, You and your prayers are very much appreciated. It warmed my heart when I was informed you were praying for me.
My testimony is this: I had been having abdominal pains for several months and I had been treated for stomach issues. The pain was still persistant. I had been to several doctors in the past and finally decided it would just be something I'd have to live with. Nothing seemed to help. I had alot of sleepless nights which in turn caused me to be fatigued and have constant headaches. Everyday I was taking headache pain medicine like vitamins.
My husband finally convinced me to go just one more time to our new primary caregiver, and relunctant ly I went and once again explained symptoms I had explained many times before. She looked at me and simply said it sounds like my gall bladder. That was the first time anyone suspected it may be that. They sent me to the VA hospital to have some tests done where they injected me with a dye and put me in a machine and checked my organs' functions. The conclusion was my gall bladder was non-functioning and inflammed. OK, thank you Jesus, at least now I knew what was going on. I met with a surgeon a couple of weeks later and my surgery was scheduled for Dec 16th. I had just started working a new job and did not want to take off work right away so I asked if they could move it back to right after the holidays. I felt a couple of more weeks wouldn't hurt. The doctor agreed, but he said before he did the surgery he was going to order a MRI for me to check out everything in my midsection, he said he wasn't comfortable doing it without making sure nothing else was going on. That Sabbath I sat in Beacon Light listening to a sermon, and he spoke about fasting and praying. I decided to test The Word and started my 40 Day fast which included a vegan diet, and I began to read The Desire of Ages for the first time from front to back. How Awesome is Jesus? If you've read it then you know what I mean. No one can love like that, but we sure can keep trying.
Sabbath I started the fast, Monday they did the MRI, Wedsday he called me with these results. His exact words were. "Mrs Besch, your MRI came back normal...Yeah, it came back normal". He said it twice as if I had asked him to repeat himself.
Get as scientific as you like, but I know God healed me and He did it with a quickness. The last time I popped a pill for pain was the same day I went to take the MRI. I haven't popped one since. Several people told me how they had their gall bladder removed, and how once it stopped functioning it had to come out, but guess what?!? God jumpstarts gallbladders!!!
I sleep better. I pray more, and God listens to me. I know because He consistantly shows me He hears me. He answers simple prayers. There are so many testimonies I can share but I will just have to put it in a book.
Everyday I test His word and everyday He passes the test. Yes Satan is busy, but God is All Powerful! Omnipotent! Jehovah Raphi!
Proverbs 3:5 says trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. I decided to do that, because my understanding initially was my gall bladder was dead and there was no other alternative.
Like my cousin Demetria says----"Look at God!!"
Thank you for praying with me, my family! If you can hear this letter being read than you are my family. I love you.
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